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Greetings, friends!
We are entering a whole new season. It’s such a joyous time of the year or it should be. However, I feel we are all staring into the face of the unknown.
It just seems to be, there are so many that are hurting around us and knowing how to help alleviate suffering for those in need is not a clear cut path. As followers of the cross, we do know it has to begin with prayer and putting one foot in front of the other.
This month I pray you will take time to meditate on the verse chosen from Proverbs 3:5-7. This is a verse I believe we’ve heard many times and might even have it committed to memory. “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD and shun evil.” Fear and worry and anxiousness only seeks to steal our joy; it seeks to turn our focus away from any truth and grace which is waiting for us. It works so hard to cloud our vision and to kill the hope which we all want to cling to.
The first part of this reading must become our main focus. Trust in the Lord with all your heart! Don’t let the world around you try to steal your joy or diminish your hope. When we put our hope in things that we think we can change and things we feel driven to accomplish, there’s little doubt that we could be headed for a train-wreck.
However, when we completely and totally submit to the ways of God our creator, we are standing on the precipice of something completely beautiful and even something unimaginable. Satan is always standing in the shadows waiting for that opportunity to help us make a crash landing. And he wants us to bring others along with us.
This isn’t the party God has planned for any of us. His plan is to lift us up, fill us with His love and shower us with His grace and mercy.
Don’t be wise in your own eyes. Get out of the driver’s seat and give the wheel to Jesus. Cling to Christ as your anchor through this thing called life.
Happy and blessed Thanksgiving to All.
Pastor Kathi Kraus