We are anchored in Christ and work to further HIS mission here on Earth. Learning more and growing more in worship together as the light of Christ shines through us. Loving our neighbors near and far, extending our love in many ways. We boast our prayer warriors and the devotion they have to prayer and our prayer shawl ministry ministering to the sick and injured worldwide.
We host AA and NA weekly, supporting their journeys to a better life and prayerful life in Christ.
Our bible ministry gifts large print red letter bibles.
Our puppeteers for Jesus ministry began recently and have shared their performances in our community displaying their love for Christ.
Our ministries continue to grow in numbers.

Adult Bible Study
Our Bible Study group meets on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Thursdays of every month starting at 3:30 p.m. Come early for fellowship. The first Thursday of every month is reserved for our “Praying With Flair” by way of Zoom at 7 p.m. Come join us.
Currently the group is studying “10 Women of the Bible One by One They Changed the World” by Max Lucado.
We are projecting our next study to be a study of “The Chosen”.
Previously our studies have included “War Room”, “The Shack”, and many others.
This group invites the holy spirit’s presence into our study and within our hearts as we study together. If you are a seasoned follower of Christ or a new follower, there is room to grow in the Word.
All are welcome!!!

Christian Education
Our Christian Education Program here at First Presbyterian Church is being revitalized. We are currently looking for Sunday School Teachers and Nursery help.
Disciple Time during service happens each Sunday. The children participate in a brief lesson for the day.
Our youth then meets from noon-2pm on the 2nd and 4th Sunday following church service and they enjoy Bible study and projects that they work on together spending time socializing together growing in Christ.
Recently a Puppeteering for Jesus Ministry was established. The youth participate in performances in and around our community and church.
The young disciples participate in Summer, Christmas and Easter programs. All events are intergenerational.
We invite you and your family to come and discover the love of Jesus Christ with us as we grow our ministry here.

Believers Youth Group
Here at First Presbyterian Church, we have a group of young disciples from different churches in the area of Sullivan and Cuba, Missouri. They started their journey together in September of 2021, and they are still growing together today.
These young people chose their name “Believers” as a result of their recent experience as confirmation candidates. After they completed their confirmation class and subsequent baptism, they wanted to continue to meet together to share their friendship and grow together in their Christian faith. Their first big project was the production “Journey With Jesus” in which they desired to share with others Jesus’ love for them and for all who would seek Him.
The Believers group have expanded into the Puppeteering for Jesus Ministry, among other things, they enjoy sharing their faith through the Happy Kids, New Kids on the Block, Bible characters and Noah’s Zoo.
The Believers youth group invites area young people to come and join them as they share their love of Christ within their community. Ages 10 years and up into high school are all welcome. They meet twice a month on the second and fourth Sunday of each month with the exception of summer months.

Movie Matinee
The last Wednesday of every month, open to the public with specific movie selection at 1:00pm Bring a sack lunch or snack and eat while you enjoy the show. No movie presentation November and December or during inclement weather. Please let us know if you are coming alone – or how many guests will be with you.

Praying With Flair
How many of us go to God in prayer and there’s so much on our minds? Sometimes the words seem to get all jumbled up and they just don’t come out right.
Now, we know as believers that God knows our hearts and the needs of his people before we do, but we know that we still need to take all things to Him in prayer.
We would love to include you no matter where you live or what church you are attending. We believe that when believers pray God hears and answers.

Knitting Group
Coming Soon.

Sunday Morning Fellowship
Coming Soon.

Life Team
Coming Soon.

Bell Choir
Coming Soon.