We have this hope as an anchor for our lives, safe and secure.
(Hebrews 6:19)

Mission Committee
Our Mission Committee is a very active group. They help raise and donate funds for a lot of local charities and to other Presbyterian charities as well. They put together gift baskets at Christmas for our shut-ins and are always looking for ways to help others. Our goal is to support our homebound members and our local community as well as world-wide groups.

Bible Ministry
Through First Presbyterian Church, Sullivan Bible Ministry, we strive to share the Good News of the Gospel with others. If a person does not have a Bible or can’t afford one, we would be happy to give you a complimentary copy. Please call the office for an appointment. We also pray when you receive this Bible God will bless you in many ways.

Cemetery Committee
We are committed to restore and preserve the Clark Family Cemetery and the First Presbyterian history within our great community and tell the story of our original founding family Reverend Jacob and Phoebe Clark. Their legacy is the foundation of the Presbyterian movement throughout Missouri. We want to share this history with everyone and preserve the history right here on Route 66!

Olive Branch
Coming Soon.