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Welcome to December!
How did that happen? It was just the beginning of September and now here we are preparing for the advent of our Lord and Messiah. This Advent season we will explore the sermon series, “The Word made Flesh.” This month I want to draw our attention to the words of John 1:14-15, “The Word became flesh and made his home among us. We have seen his glory, glory like that of a father’s only son, full of grace and truth. John testified about him, crying out, This is the one of whom I said, ‘He who comes after me is greater than me because he existed before me.’”
It has been a horribly stressful year. There has been, so it seems, devastation after devastation across our country. Among families, there has been great loss and all of our hearts have been heavy as we live in a world of chaos and division.
The words of this chosen reading, I pray, bring each of us a true sense of peace and calm. God has not left us and hasn’t turned His back on the people of His creation. His love for us is enriched by this amazing gift of love whom God Himself had promised thousands of years ago.
Jesus has always been in this world, but it’s at this time of the year, we celebrate the choice God made when He sent Jesus, in the flesh of the Christ child, to make his home with us in a world full of sin and hate. Jesus shone as bright as the sun and brought his light into this darkened world. This child of grace and truth came to give all of himself for the sake of sinners. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, he has redeemed, for us, a right relationship with God our Father. Because he gave his perfect Holy self without hesitation, he tore the veil that separated us from God.
During this most holy season, as we gather with family and friends, don’t forget the true and only reasons for the season. If the Word had not become Flesh in this world, we would still be searching and hurting. We would be left to the wiles of the world tormenting and destroying all the love God has to offer. This year, we can’t play into this darkness! Share with the world and lift up the Word made Flesh in truth and purity, claiming him as your Messiah and Lord placing him as the main focus all the days of our lives. As we look forward to the advent of the Christ child, I want to share all the perfect love of Christ with everyone.
A Very Blessed Christmas to you ALL!
Pastor Kathi Kraus