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Greetings in Jesus Christ!
What a wonderful start to the new beginning of a new year! God continues to show and grow us in so
many ways. It’s an exciting time here at The Anchor Church.
We’re starting off the month of February with new members coming in and celebrating all that God is
doing among us. And I do want to emphasize that it is God’s work being brought into our midst.
This thought leads me to think about the message of 1 Corinthians 3:7 “So neither the one who plants
nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.” This is Paul speaking to
the church in Corinth about divisions in the church.
Our church has been experiencing many changes recently. But these changes have been necessary.
Change is hard for anyone and any organization.
For a number of years, the church was going along the status quo and everyone knew what to expect
and how to achieve the things to maintain this status quo. But the status quo does not reflect the love
and compassion of God beyond the boundaries that it establishes. Status quo follows the mere
standards of humankind and doesn’t allow room for God to grow the humankind into the
watering community He has planned.
Everyday here at The Anchor Church, we are learning something new. We are doing a little planting
and a little watering as we go along. We are trying new things and sharing our love of Jesus in many
ways. But it is God who is growing us. We can see and feel that our God is among us and
moving/growing us in so many ways.
Maybe, there’s something in your personal life that is calling you to make changes. Maybe, God is
calling you to step away from the status quo. It’s called a leap of faith.
There is so much joy in stepping aside and letting God show us His plans. New things are discovered
and experienced. New relationships are made and enjoyed.
Ash Wednesday is right around the corner. Plan to join us for your Lenten journey starting on
Ash Wednesday. Keep a check on our calendar of events for the week of Holy Week.
Come and take a leap of faith in your life and with us here at The Anchor Church.
The Love of Christ belongs to You,
Pastor Kathi Kraus