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Happy February Everyone! Even though we are still in the throes of winter, spring is ebbing closer and closer. The days are getting noticeably longer everyday.
This month’s reading is from Jeremiah. Jeremiah 1:6-7 shares, “Ah, LORD God,” I said, “I don’t know how to speak because I’m only a child.” The LORD responded, “Don’t say, ‘I’m only a child.’ Where I send you, you must go; what I tell you, you must say.”
I’m sure you’re wondering why this reading?
We have started another new year here at Anchor Church. It’s important that we stand out in this community for the right reasons. People are hurting all around us and we have been anointed by God to do the will of God.
When we hear the word evangelize, most of us think about the door to door salesman or the Jehovah Witnesses who knock on our doors and try to gain entrance to our space to have a heart to heart conversation about the Bible. Often the first reaction is to close the door and think to ourselves, “I don’t want to get involved in a conversation with that person.”
Let’s not get too carried away though. So, let’s focus on the “we’ve been anointed by God to do the will of God” part. How many of you have had times in your life when you felt moved to speak to someone else about your love for Jesus? It’s nothing to be frightened about or intimidated by. It’s something to actually be very proud of. God chose you for a reason. He chose you because he loves you deeply and He anointed you with His love and His perfect Holy Spirit to do His work here in this place.
So, maybe your thoughts go to, “well, how will I know what to say and how to say it. I can’t pray with anyone because that’s something I keep to myself.” I guarantee you that God will give you everything you need to do and say and share His love with others you meet and who need to hear about his love. Hearing from your heart and mouth about the love you have for Jesus may be the very thing they need to hear to save their life and turn things around for them.
Satan is the one who keeps you from sharing. When you’re not sharing the love of Jesus makes him very happy. Seek God’s guidance and help as you move into using your voice and actions to speak the love of Jesus into someone’s hearing. Do the will of God!
Let the Spirit move you,
Pastor Kathi Kraus